Tuesday, June 21, 2011

COOKOUT COMMITTE SIGN-UP (Respond @ chosengeneration.huberchurch@gmail.com)

Greetings Chosen Generation:

As you all know we will be having the annunal cookout on Saturday, July 23rd @ 2pm-until at the Bejamin F. Cardin Pavillion at Leakin Park.  We are asking for your assistance on a few commitees to ensure that we have a great time.  It would be great to have teams of at least 4-5 people on each so that the work can be evenly spread out.

The commitees are as follows:

Delivery/Setup- pick and deliver some grills to the site, set up the grills and relevant equipment to cook the food, set up table cloths, designate food tables, put the beverages on ice etc.

Activities- think of activities that the fellowship can participate in while at the cook out (i.e. horse shoes, board games) and supply the activity for the day (either you or someone else)

Breakdown/Clean-up- clear the table cloths and other trash into bags for park maintenance to pick up; make sure nothing is left at the site of value etc.

We'd really appreciate it if you consider something you can do to contribute to this day of fellowship. If you are interested, please email me and I'll coordinate with each commitee.  If you volunteered at the Women's Rap Session last Friday, I already have your information. Thanks!


Elizabeth Thompson

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